Morgan Freeman's Through the Wormhole
This presentation is one of the best Astro-informatives since "Cosmos" (1980 TV mini-series documentary). There is no new information but it is well organized and the speculation is well done.1 What Happened Before the Beginning?We are treated to the prevailing theories including "Big Bang" with well done visuals.2 Are We Alone?Chances are put into prospective. And what we are doing to find them E.T. critters.3 Is Time Travel Possible?That all depends on if you follow Einstein's relativity theory and buy into space-time. Going back is a little tougher sale. Morgan handles it perfectly.4 How Did We Get Here?Chicken and the egg. Speculation on what life may be in other environments. Get out your periodic chart.5 What Are We Really Made Of?More great speculation. We see the collider that could have been in Texas. But in any event it is an eye opener into the quantum.Again one of the things that made this documentary palatable was Morgan Freeman, Narrator of 11 episodes, 2010-2011. You may also recognize Paul Davies "The Big Questions" 1995 TV series documentary short.Cosmos: Carl Sagan (7 DVD Set) Morgan Freeman's Through the Wormhole 関連情報
The Sum of All Fears [VHS] [Import]
トムクランシーのミリタリーハイテクサスペンスは内容的に凄い迫力で絶対損をしない小説、そのムービー化とあってとても期待していました。しかも、ジャック役がBen Affleckで観て感激です!ハリソンフォードの若いときより格好良い!ベンアフレッックのシリアス役とモーガンフリーマンとの共演は息を呑むものがあります。あの9.11事件の前に既にこの映画は作られていたと聞きました、トムクランシーはあの大きさのテロを予測していたに違いありません。映画の中では、テロの標的が世界貿易センターではなくスーパーボールの会場なのです。映画なのに一体何処までがフィクションなのかがわからなくなるようなストーリーです。ベンファンの皆様是非観ましょう! The Sum of All Fears [VHS] [Import] 関連情報